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The WVG is a chapter of the
National Speleological Society

About the Grotto

TRIPS / Calendar

Mobile Friendly TRIPS/Calendar

Photo Gallery
Want your photos up there?
Send them to webmaster

Email Membership

Application/Renewal PDF
Note: new members must attend some meetings and be voted in by the current membership.

Cave Links


Members Only

The Willamette Valley Grotto is a Portland area grotto with members from all over Oregon and we are a chapter of the National Speleological Society. We welcome anyone who is interested in caving to join us to learn more about caves and caving.

The WVG meets in Portland, Oregon, on the
2nd Friday of the month at:

Round Table Pizza

16444 Boones Ferry Rd

Lake Oswego OR 97219

See the calendar for more information

Caving in:
-- Washington: Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Adams
-- Oregon: Central, Willamette Valley, Southeast
-- Northern California
-- The World

Why attend a meeting?

You might:

  • Be invited on a trip to explore a known cave.
  • Talk to someone who has discovered dozens of caves in Washington.
  • Talk to people who have caved in Peru, Mexico, India, Guatemala...
  • Be invited on a trip to search for undiscovered caves.
  • Learn about lava tube formation.
  • Or?

"Take Nothing but Pictures,
Leave Nothing but Footprints,
Kill Nothing but Time"

The Willamette Valley Grotto
is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
further cave exploration, conservation and preservation.

Mobile version
Script that was working to auto-send to mobile version is no longer working. 11/3/2018



Grotto Officers
Chris Wiley, Chair,

Louisa Hooven, Vice-Chair
Mark Harder, Secretary
Jerry Zimmer, Treasurer


Updated January 2019    
©2000 - 2019 Willamette Valley Grotto