Meets in Portland, Oregon.
Round Table Pizza at 19121 Willamette Dr., West Linn 97068
2nd Friday of the month
See the calendar for more information
Caving in:
-- Washington: Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Adams
-- Oregon: Central, Willamette Valley, Southeast
-- Northern California
-- The World
Why attend a meeting?
You might:
Be invited on a trip to explore a known cave.
Talk to someone who has discovered dozens of caves in Washington.
Talk to people who have caved in Peru, Mexico, India, Guatemala...
Be invited on a trip to search for undiscovered caves.
Learn about lava tube formation.
The Willamette Valley Grotto
is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
further cave exploration, conservation and preservation.
Grotto Officers
Chris Wiley, Chair,
Louisa Hooven, Vice-Chair
Mark Harder, Secretary
vacant, Treasurer
Updated January 2019
©2000 - 2019 Willamette Valley Grotto